Advent and Christmas

The four weeks leading up to Christmas Eve and the birth of Christ are called Advent. Advent means coming or arrival. Today, we live between God’s first and second Advent. God’s first arrival into the world through the Christ Child, and God’s second arrival into the world in the fullness of time through the Risen Christ. Each week, in our Communion dialogue, we call it the “mystery of faith” Christ is born. Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will come again. 


Sunday Advent Worship at 10 am

December 3 & 10
December 17: Christmas Program  during worship

Christmas Eve, December 24th

No Service Christmas Eve morning
3 PM Children & Family Worship (30-45 min)
5 PM Band, Holy Communion, Candlelight
8 PM Organ, Holy Communion, Candlelight

Sunday, Dec 31 at 10 am 

Join us for worship in person or online. The services are available to watch live and are recorded on our website to watch anytime.

Advent Activities

Advent Devotions
Giving Tree
Midweek Advent


Blue Christmas Worship Dec 6th at 7 pm

Contemplative Worship Dec 13 at 7 pm

St Paul Lutheran- Holden Evening Prayer Dec 6, 13 & 20 at 6:30 pm

Atonement Contemplative Worship Drop In Wednesdays 11:30am -1 pm