Immanuel is pivoting from a two-year period of pandemic uncertainty into a fresh embrace of existing and emerging ministries. As we boldly move forward, we invite you to open your hearts to the many learning, prayer, giving and celebration opportunities during the campaign. God’s call to “Share the Love of Christ With All” is blessing Immanuel to be a thriving and vibrant ministry in our community.

The risen Jesus promised his followers, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses … to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8-9). Christ’s promise gives us confidence and hope that our vision will ELEVATE our ministries, ANTICIPATE the needs of the future church, and RESONATE the good news of the gospel… to the ends of the earth.


On Sunday, May 22nd we celebrated Commitment Sunday for our Elevate-Anticipate-Resonate Capital Campaign. 

We had a joyful celebration and a thrilling response to the Campaign.  To date, 42 contributors have pledged $ 451,013.00 toward our goal of $500,000. 

For those of you who have made a commitment- THANK YOU! 

If you haven’t yet made a commitment- Please consider making a pledge or giving a gift for Immanuel’s Elevate-Anticipate-Resonate Capital Campaign. Each household’s ability to give changes, and we are grateful for whatever you can do.   An easy way to give one time or set up recurring gifts is electronically through our website   

We would like to go “over the top” with our campaign goal, trusting that “by God’s mighty power at work within us, God is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask, hope, dream, think or imagine!” (Ephesians 3:20). Please pray for God to guide our Council, congregation, staff, and me as we tend to daily ministry and make plans for the future.  

LEARN MORE – view the Brochure with details about the campaign

GIFT GIVING CHART– use this chart to assist you in considering your gift to this campaign. 

DOWNLOAD the Response Card fill it out and  email it to or mail it to Immanuel, 830 S Ave West, Missoula MT 59801 

GUIDANCE FOR RESPONSE CARD Information to help you with your response card. 

MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING GIFT– using our online donation. 

Ways to Learn More….

General Information Gatherings

Come learn about the Elevate-Anticipate-Resonate Capital Campaign.   Pastor Molly and the campaign leadership will present the ‘WHAT?’, the ‘WHY?’ and the ‘HOW MUCH?’ about Elevate-Anticipate-Resonate.   You will have an opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions.

May 15 after worship– pick up your refreshments and meet in the Level 5 Loft (elevator provided) 

May 18 at 7 pm on Zoom 

Signup below to attend the informational meeting on zoom.  Pastor Molly and the campaign leadership will present the ‘WHAT?’, the ‘WHY?’, and the ‘HOW MUCH?’ about Elevate-Anticipate-Resonate.   You will have an opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions.  

CLICK HERE to signup to attend the ZOOM Informational Meeting

10 Days of Prayer

VIEW 10 DAY OF PRAYER VIDEOS: Click the link below to watch the videos from each of the days.

Home Gatherings

Various Times & Locations

Please join us for one of our HOME GATHERINGS to reconnect with others from Immanuel and to learn more about our Elevate-Anticipate-Resonate Capital Campaign. 

At these meetings Pastor Molly and the campaign leadership will present the ‘WHAT?’, the ‘WHY?’, and the ‘HOW MUCH?’ about Elevate-Anticipate-Resonate.   You will have an opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions.  Light refreshments will be served.  Each meeting should last about one hour. 

CLICK HERE to signup to attend one of the  Home Gatherings

Faith Family Gathering

Sunday May 1  4-6 pm

Family Faith Gatherings contain an opening, class
times for Preschoolers through Adults, Family Connect
stations, and a meal. Families with kids of any age are
welcome!  Signup below. 

Prayer Walk

Saturday April 30   8:30am – 3:30 

Prayer is something we all can give.  For centuries, Christians have gathered before important events to pray.  Our prayer will center on our mission through the Elevate- Anticipate-Resonate Capital Campaign.

Guided prayer stations located throughout the entire church building will  provide guided prayer, scripture and an activity.  An At-Home option is also available with information and materials provided.