Sunday, June 28, 2020 1-4 pm

Thanks Immanuel Gardeners for providing an opportunity to socially connect with each other in a socially distant manner!

Start at any garden.  Maintain social distancing.  If a garden seems crowded, go to another garden and return later.  Wear sturdy shoes; some gardens may have uneven footing.  Bring your own water bottle.  Enjoy the blooms and take time to smell the flowers and visit with others doing the same thing!

Please sign up if you plan to visit any of the gardens by clicking the button below or calling the office and signing up with Lynn  or on Saturday or Sunday you can signup (text or call) Nancy Marks (406-396-5494).  This will help us to monitor our numbers as well as have a list of attendees per guidelines of the Health Department. 

Garden Tour Sign up

More specific directions are found in the flyer at the bottom of the page. 

Valerie McNair.  3000 South Higgins.  Vegetable garden Part of a ASUM Community Garden behind Lewis & Clark University Housing Complex

Molly and Allen Sasser-Goehner  609 High View Way.  First time planting a garden.  

Carole and Don Graham     216 E Crestline Dr.   Corner of Crestline and Highland Park Dr.  long-time gardeners, birdhouses & perennials

Ray and Tudi Smith  4500 Mark Court  specialize in orchids

Ron and Nancy Marks   3524 S. 3rd St. West kid-friendly garden- home of the gnomes

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