lent 2024 rebekah

Join us in Lent

The church season of Lent marks the 40 days before the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. During Lent, Christians focus on the events leading to Jesus’ death through increased, intentional spiritual practices of fasting, giving, Bible study, worship, devotion, and prayer. 

All your paths, O Lord, are steadfast love and faithfulness, to those who keep your covenant and your testimonies.

The covenants in the Old Testament are key to God’s redemptive plan to restore humanity to its divine calling. A covenant is a formal partnership, relationship, or agreement that includes specific promises and commitments. The “Promises and Practices” theme will center on the foundational story of God’s covenantal relationship with humans that reaches its climax in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

This Lent, we welcome you to the journey.


Midweek Lenten Activities

Sunday Worship

Sunday worship is at 10 am, in person and online

Ash Wednesday, February 14

Drive through Ashes: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm


Soup Supper 5:30 pm


Worship with Ashes & Communion 6:30 pm

in person and online

Wednesday Worship

New Holden Evening Vespers
(In person and online)
February 21, 28, March 6, 13, and 20
6:30 pm

Adult Study following Worship

The Wednesday Bible Study will look closely at six foundational covenants between God and humanity: Eden, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, before establishing the new covenant through Jesus. Using scripture, videos from the Bible Project, and discussion we will discover that to tell the story of God redeeming humanity through Jesus is to tell the whole story of God’s covenantal relationship with humans. Whether you are new to the Bible or can quote chapter and verse, we welcome you to join this study.



  • February 21: Edenic and Noahic Covenant
  • February 28: Mosaic/Israel Covenant
  • March 6: Abrahamic Covenant
  • March 13: Davidic Covenant
  • March 20: New Covenant

Lenten Activities

Special Lenten Offering

Lutheran World Relief Baby Care Kits
During Lent, Christians practice charity and sacrificial love by going above and beyond our regular giving to help those most in need. Our focus this year is Lutheran World Relief Baby Care Kits. Click on the link below to learn more about Baby Care Kits and how to donate specific items or a financial gift.

Lenten Devotions

For over 20 years, new member and retired Pastor Scott Hedegaard wrote daily devotions that were emailed to hundreds of people across Montana and the nation. This year, he has selected 40 devotions for Immanuel to use for a Lent Devotion Book.

Devotions will also be posted daily on our Devotional Facebook page. Click the link below and ask to join. 

Podcast Series

lent podcast button

In this special series, Pastors Molly and Rebekah will consider “churchy” words (like repentance, sacrifice, temptation, etc.) that are used frequently during the season of Lent. On each episode, we will consider a word and dig into its biblical and theological background. We will explore ways the word has been used to help or to hurt, and how we may reclaim the word for our faith today.


Kids' Kindness Calendar

kindness calendar picture

As we go through this Lenten season, take a moment each day to share a little bit of kindness. Each day suggest a kindess activity by the kids and for kids.  Download and print. Thanks to Atonement Lutheran for sharing this with us! 

Holy Week

All services are in person and online.  CLICK HERE to watch service online. 

Palm Sunday

March 24, 10:00 am


Procession with palms and dramatic reading of Christ’s Passion.

Maundy Thursday

March 28, 4:30-6 pm 


Drive-through communion and home devotion.

Good Friday

March 29, 7 pm


Prayers around the cross. Taize service with choir.

Easter Sunday

March 31, 9 am and 11 am

Resurrection of our Lord


Festive Easter Service with Holy Communion.