New Here?

Here is some information to help you get acquainted with us.


Immanuel offers Worship at 10 am on Sundays both in person and online. The services follow the liturgical format with a variety of music styles. 

Christ is at the center of liturgical worship. Some parts of the liturgy stay the same each Sunday. This is to make sure that Christ is proclaimed and praised during every service. Some parts of the liturgy change every week. These changes are based on the Christian church calendar. Following this calendar ensures that the important events and teachings of Christ are celebrated every year.

Parking and Entrance

Parking is found on the north side of the church.  To enter the sanctuary,  enter the doors on the right. 


When you come through the doors from the parking lot, to the right you will find the “Hemgren Room,” a room for gathering, greeting and visiting before entering the sanctuary.  


After worship, please stay for visiting and refreshments in the Hemgren Room.

Where to sit

Feel free to sit wherever you’d like.   If you need assistance, an usher will help you.

church pews

Welcome & Connection Card

On the back of the benches in the church,  you’ll see some yellow “Welcome and Connection” cards.  Please fill one out and put it in the offering plate when they are passed during the church service.  Those cards help us connect with you and learn more about your requests.

What About the Kids?

We welcome children of all ages to our services.  Busy Bags are available from the ushers.  Toys are in the family area by the Luther Wall in the back of the sanctuary.  


During offering, children may bring their offering forward to place in the little white church by the altar

childrens offering

What About Communion

All are welcome to take communion. Hold out your hand for the bread (if you need gluten free bread, just ask the pastor when you take it).  White grape juice is in the center of the communion tray,  and wine is around the outside of the tray.

How do I become a member?

If you are interested in becoming a member, please talk to the pastor or check the box on the yellow attendance cards in the pews.  Membership classes are held 2-3 times a year based on interest.

Where is the Office and Fellowship Hall?

The fellowship hall (also referred to as the parish hall) is found downstairs on Level 2 and the church offices are found upstairs on Level 4.   An elevator is available to move you to any of the five floors.