Alhough we are limiting worshipping together, we come to pray for the church and the world.

What is a prayer vigil? Prayer is something we all can give. For centuries, Christians have gathered before important events to pray. Prayer encircles stewardship of our time, thoughts, and lives.  Please join us in spiritual preparation and prayer as we observe All Saints Day and pray for the world.

Please join us in spiritual preparation and prayer as we observe Lent this year and pray for ourselves, our homes, our church, our nation and the world. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Maundy Thursday.  Lent is a 40-day journey and a time of soul searching and reflection as we mark Jesus’ Passover from death to life. 

The forty-day period is symbolic of many things:  Moses and Elijah spent forty days in the wilderness; it rained upon Noah and the ark for forty days and nights; the Israelites wandered forty years in the desert; Jonah gave the city of Nineveh forty days to repent; Jesus fasted forty days in the wilderness with temptation. There’s a bit of wilderness in each situation.  Each of us has been through our own kind of wilderness.

Prayer Vigil in Immanuel Worship Space

Participate in our Worship space, Masks required. Social distancing & sanitation observed. Only 2-4 people in church at a time. 

Guided prayer stations located throughout the sanctuary will provide Scripture and prayer suggestions. Stations take 30-45 minutes to complete all.   

All ages and families are welcome.

On Site Vigil Sign up

Prayer Vigil at Home

AT HOME Directions:
There is a list of symbols included in the materials.  Consider writing prayer concerns or drawing them in journal or on a sheet of paper.  You could do it alone or with family members or friends.

Download the vigil materials below.   

Prayer Vigil 2021 Lent at Home.docDownload