virtual communion

Virtual Communion Preparation Guide 2020

5 Valleys Cluster, Montana Synod

In these unique days of social distancing due to the pandemic, we live and worship differently.  Virtual worship has become necessary and the norm for many.  Virtual Holy Communion adds an extra dimension to our virtual worship gatherings. Whether or not you participate in this portion of the worship is your responsibility and decision. 

What gifts are given through Holy Communion? 

Who may receive Holy Communion?  

The meal is offered to all who are baptized. At the same time, Christ is the host and offers the invitation to the table. Christ’s gift of love and mercy is always to be praised. The words “given and shed for you” require a simply believing heart. Please follow the practices of your home congregation regarding the age and preparation for those who receive the meal or blessing.

How to prepare the meal at home.

When to commune: At the time in the worship service for Holy Communion after the introduction, familiar words of institution and the Lord’s Prayer following the direction of the pastor please eat and drink with the words:

Traditional Words:                 

Contemporary Words:           

Blessing for those not receiving:        The Lord Jesus loves you and blesses you.

You may pause for a brief moment of silent reflection or prayer after the meal until the worship service continues.  

What do we do with Bread/Wine/Juice not eaten or drank?

Any bread/wine that remains may either be fully consumed by participants or returned “to the earth” – scattered on the ground for the birds and to water the plants. (Use of the trash or sink/sewer to dispose of the bread/wine/juice is not fitting or proper.) 

The forgiving peace and assurance of Christ be with you!


Recipe for Immanuel’s Communion Bread

Immanuel has a communion bread recipe that was developed by Connie Lindborg in the 1980’s. Here is a version of the recipe modified to be made to use while worshiping at home. Download or view recipe.