“Forty Days of Wilderness Wonder” is a daily devotional to accompany you through the liturgical church season of Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22.
Daily devotions are provided for each day except for Sundays, which are not counted in the “40 days”. Sundays are always considered the day of resurrection. Each “day” is dated for additional reference.
“Lent begins in the wilderness. The Spirit guides Jesus into the wilderness where he comes face to face with temptation and struggle. Yet, in his forty days of fasting, resisting, and wandering, Jesus is shaped and formed for ministry. Similarly, through the wilderness of Lent, we are invited to surrender to the wild leadings of the Spirit. We rarely enter the wilderness willingly, but hopefully through our wandering we remember who we are and whose we are. The wilderness can become sacred even if it remains dangerous. There is no wilderness space too harsh or threatening for God’s love. This Lent, we welcome you to the journey.” (Theme developed by: lisle gwynn garrity | sanctifiedart.org)
This resource is a combination of scripture, song texts, brief reflections, images and prayer. Multiple devotionals on the same scriptures or song texts are included for different perspectives. If you have never done a daily devotional before, Lent is the perfect time to begin this faith discipline.
If possible, set aside a specific time each day for this devotional practice. If you miss a day, it’s easy to get back on track as you continue your journey to the cross. Download the devotional to print and read.
“Forty Days of Wilderness Wonder” is a collaborative project with original devotionals by clergy and members of Montana ELCA churches in Missoula, Bonner, Frenchtown, Hamilton, Sunburst, Glendive, Great Falls, Broadus, Livingston and Columbus. Special “Thank You” to Pastor Molly Sasser-Goehner for her support and guidance.
Photos used by permission from the authors and permissions from Lana Smith, Mike Williams, Halcyon Bjornstad, Christine Emerson, Nancy Marks, Jackee Randall, Doug Ullrich and Holli Humber. Scripture references are from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) unless otherwise indicated. Hymn texts are from Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW), reprinted by permission under OneLicense.net A-704375. Print copies made possible from a Thrivent Action Team Grant (Thanks, Tana Lambert from Immanuel) and Missoula Copy Center.