January 29, 2023. 11:15 (after worship)

This meeting will be in person and livestreamed on our Special Events Channel.  In order to vote, members must attend in person (as per the constitution) 

Annual Meeting Report

Download below or  pick one up at the church


Who is a voting member?

At the beginning of the annual meeting, the number of members present and their names are verified and recorded.  A quorum of 10% of voting members is required and verified.

As per Immanuel Constitution:

C8.02.cVoting members are confirmed members. Such confirmed members, during the current or preceding calendar year, shall have communed in this congregation* and shall have made a contribution of record to this congregation.  Members of this congregation who have satisfied these basic standards shall have the privilege of voice and vote at every regular and special meeting of the congregation as well as the other rights and privileges ascribed to voting members by the provisions of this constitution and its bylaws.

C8.02.b: Confirmed members are baptized persons who have been confirmed in this congregation, those who have been received by adult baptism or by transfer as confirmed members from other Lutheran congregations, or baptized persons received by affirmation of faith.

C8.02.d Associate Members are welcome to attend, but they do not have a vote. Associate members are persons holding membership in other Christian congregations who wish to retain such membership but desire to participate in the life and mission of this congregation.  These individuals have all the privileges and duties of membership except voting rights or other rights and privileges ascribed to voting members by the provisions of this constitution and its bylaws.

For questions about your membership and/or voting status, please contact the church office.